
Why is preoccupation not normal?

As a surgeon, I spent countless hours in high pressure situations, and often surrounded by patients, families and anxiety. I have directly faced how the uncompromising life demands can lead to a crowded and crowded mind – a condition that feels anything normal. From my experience, I think re -contact with our heart – and the real source – is the key to rediscovery of calm and peace, even at the most crowded moments in our lives.

the They are preoccupied

Take a moment to monitor your mind. Is it calm and peaceful, or does your thoughts jump from one topic to another, such as an indelible monkey from branch to branch? Many of us live with this crowded mind, and they make mistakes in productivity, but they are not the same. You can accomplish many tasks in one day and still deal with them with calmness and clarity. What drains us is not the burden of the work itself, but rather the turbulent and scattered state in our minds.

This mental preoccupation has become so normal that we are rarely wondering. However, if we look at nature, it tells a different story. Trees grow with patience and patience. The animals meet their needs with goal and calm. Nature does not rush or think about thinking, however, everything is done in its time.

Why does mental preoccupation feel wrong?

Unlike the calm flow of nature, our minds are often in a state of excess – planning, anxiety, and restarting the past. This continuous gossip pulls us away from the current moment and creates a feeling of imbalance.

Even in comfort, studies show that our brain consumes a large part of the body’s energy. When our thoughts are turbulent and scattered, this demand for energy increases, which affects our full welfare. The result? We feel tension and exhaustion, even when we did not practice ourselves physically. On the contrary, calm restores balance, which helps us feel more compatible with our natural condition – the patient, the patient and the present.

The role of the heart in finding calm and peace

Real peace begins with the heart. When our hearts are open, we naturally feel balanced and calm, and crowded gossip begins in our minds in stability. However, mental preoccupation often distracts us, keeps us trapped in endless ideas and separated from the present.

The key is not to stop thinking or working completely – it is to open our hearts and leave the real source blessings flowing. When the real source blessings fill our heart with calm and peace, we naturally start abandoning the burdens and unnecessary tension. This inner peace creates a ripple effect. When our heart feels calm, our mind becomes less preoccupied, even while continuing our daily tasks. This call allows us to work and live with gratitude and clarity.

The cost of crowded mind

The crowded mind not only affects our mental energy; It also separates us from our heart and natural condition. This defect makes us feel tense, exhausted and non -investigators, regardless of the amount we achieve. Interestingly, not doing anything does not solve this problem. Even when we do not continue physically, our minds can remain busy, and keep us in a state of insomnia.

The key is to open the heart. When we allowed the real source blessings, we fill our hearts, we feel smooth, grateful and calm. We will feel lighter even in the most crowded days, and help us deal with responsibilities with clarity and balance.

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